Covid-19: Yaoundé 3rd strengthens the protection of its staff

Covid-19: Yaoundé 3rd strengthens the protection of its staff

The mayor, Luc Owona has just put in place a series of measures aimed at preventing the pandemic in his services.

It’s the start of the fight in Yaoundé 3rd.  To act as a barrier to the new wave of coronavirus contamination in Cameroon, the mayor of the Yaoundé 3rd district municipality has instructed his staff to place more emphasis on compliance with the barrier measures issued by the government.  Within the various services of the municipality, measures are taken to reduce contact between staff and users.  A well-equipped hangar is available for receiving files and the various user rooms.Wearing a muffler is required, if not imposed by the security guards who watch over the grain.  In each office, hydro-alcoholic gel is available for hand disinfection.  To better inform staff and users about the pandemic and compliance with barrier measures, information sheets are stuck along the corridors, offices and at various strategic places in the territory of the municipality.  « School and exam without Covid-19 » The Yaoundé 3eme town hall did not stop only at the premises of the town.  Sixty areas of influence in its area of ??jurisdiction have been identified and targeted by the municipality’s technical teams for assistance.  At the level of establishments, the operation « school and exam without Covid-19″ is launched.  Following this operation, several schools were disinfected.  For the populations, material consisting of sanitary kits, tap buckets, hydro-alcoholic gels, thermo flashes and thousands of masks were distributed to vulnerable groups.Material to fight the pandemic received with joy by the populations of the district of Yaoundé 3rd.  « They say they are satisfied with the actions carried out on the ground with the aim of raising awareness about the coronavirus », we learned from the town.  For the gifts graciously offered, these populations have promised to put them to good use.  « At a time when the Covid-19 pandemic is making its return to Cameroon, the Yaoundé 3 district municipality is ready to redouble its vigilance to reduce the risks, ready to comply with any new measures that the government will take”, declares the mayor.  Remember that this redeployment in the field follows the recent Covid-19 figures made public by the Ministry of Public Health.  These figures are of concern to many, including the Yaoundé 3rd arrondissement commune, which has fully appreciated the gravity of the situation.  For the officials of this municipality, this new wave of the coronavirus pandemic will not pass through Yaoundé 3rd.

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