A la Une

CASH ADVANCES : Afriland First Bank Initiates the white Card

Afrland First Bank has created the “Carter Blanche” to grant the possibility to its customers to benefit from cash advances 24/24 over 4 renewable years without soliciting its manager.

According to the information given by Afriland First Bank, any employee wishing to subscribe to the carte Blanche must fulfill related criteria, including ; a credit card subscription form ; present the last 3 pay slips ; a photocopy of the National Identity Card ; a copy of the employment contract ; a certificate of actual presence at the workstation dating back less than 3 months ; an irrevocable transfer certificate. After this step, the file filed is directed to the manager, who examines the said file, edits a credit card agreement signed by the requesting customer before the operations officer takes care of printing the card concerned.

If the acquisition of the carte blanche is subjected to a perceptible rigor, the repayment of the sums linked to the cash advance is also subject to it. Indeed, two types of reimbursement are guaranteed, in particular the contractual reimbursement, automatically on the deadline agreed between the customer and the bank. On the indicated date, if the customer’s account is without provisions, the refund operation will be carried out via his direct debit account, which will be debited to level the consumed credit ; and if the customer does not have funds for the refund when due, his credit card is blocked on a period of 90 days is activated so that the latter replenishes his account.

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In addition, we should mention the early repayment which is an operation by which the customer executes a transfer from his direct debit account or any other account to his credit card account, an operation which can also be done by payment on one of the bank’s channels, specifically Cashier, ATM, Cash Deposit. As a reminder, there are 3 types of “white card”, in particular the ECO White card intended for civil servants or employees in the private sector, the Greatness White card open to employees paid monthly up to 500,000 and 1 million FCFA and the Premium White card is aimed at employees earning more than 1 million monthly salary.

Afriland First Bank group reassures that the White Card is a revolutionary tool that allows payments as with the classic card on the basis of a credit authorization from the issuer of the card ; the new white card challenge is a first In Cameroon and Central Africa, it refers to freedom of initiative and assigns full powers to its holder.

Sorelle Ninguem

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