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FINANCIAL MARKET : Gabon once again trusts Cameroonian stockbroking companies

[abelainfo] - This neighboring country at 237 has selected 17 brokerage firms, including 14 Cameroonian ones, to help it raise 200 billion FCFA on the CEMAC financial market. This operation, which is part of the "EOG Multi-Tranches 2024-2030" bond loan, illustrates the confidence the country places in Cameroonian stock market players in mobilizing financial resources.

Gabon has recently launched a bond loan called « EOG Multi-Tranches 2024-2030 » on the financial market of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (Cemac). To do this, the country has selected 17 brokerage firms, 14 of which are based in Cameroon, in order to mobilize 200 billion CFA francs from investors in the sub-region.

The two Cameroonian companies in charge of arranging this operation are Building Emerging Markets Securities (BEM Securities), led by Frédéric Yifomnjou, as lead arranger and lead manager, and Attijari Securities Central Africa (Asca), a subsidiary of the Moroccan group Attijariwafa Bank for Central Africa, led by Ernest Christian Pouhe, as co-arranger. This is the first operation of this type for BEM Securities, which obtained its approval from the Central African Financial Market Supervisory Commission (Cosumaf) in October 2023. ASCA, on the other hand, has already participated in several fundraising operations in Gabon.

In addition to these two companies, the majority of the selected placement agents for this operation are also Cameroonian, such as Horus Investment Capital, AFG Capital, Africa Bright Securities (ABS), Upline Securities Central Africa SA (USCA), CCA Bourse, SCB Cameroun, Contractor Capital SA, EDC Investment Corporation, Fendhen Capital, Union Bank for Africa-Cameroun, Elite Capital Securities Central Africa SA and Beko Capital Advisory. A few Congolese and Gabonese placement agents, such as LCB Capital, Crédit du Congo and the Union Gabonaise de Banque (UGB), complete the system.

Before this new operation, Gabon had already entrusted two other Cameroonian brokerage firms, Emrald Securities Services Bourse (ESS Bourse) and CBC Bourse, to organize its first bond loan of 2024, amounting to 150 billion CFA francs. However, the latter encountered difficulties in mobilizing the full amount of funds requested within the allotted time, requiring a postponement of the subscription period.

The resources collected during these various fundraising campaigns will allow Gabon to finance the projects contained in its National Development Plan for the Transition (Pndt), which aims to carry out the priority actions of the Transition government for the period 2024-2026 and to partially settle the country’s domestic public debt.


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