A la Une

SME CAMEROON BANK : Candidates Lay Applications to Take Over Management

Four profiles have been proposed to the arbitration of the President of the Republic to replace Agnès Ndoumbe Mandeng at the head of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Bank. The new appointment is under the impetus of the Ministry of Finance, Louis Paul Motaze.

The candidacies on the table at the moment include that of the Director General of the Interbank electronic banking Group of Central Africa (Gimac), Valentin Mbozo’o. He is engineer in computer science, telecommunications and electronic payments, trained at the International Telecommunications Institute in Paris, now Telecoms SudParis. He has received advanced training in the design computer systems at the National Center for Arts and Crafts (Cnam) in the French capital, is at the origin of the Gimac credit card and other innovations in the field of electronic payments driven by this subsidiary of the Beac.

The only woman on this list, Sylvie Marie-Louise Eyeffa Ekomo, the boss of banks and microfinance institutions at the Ministry of Finance (Minfi), keeps all her chances. This macroeconomist, lecturer at the University of Yaoundé II Soa, holds the position of director of financial and monetary cooperation, where Agnès Ndoumbe had just left to be put at the head of BC-SME. She has spent most of her career within Minfi where she was notably at the head of the macroeconomic synthesis division at the former directorate of economic affairs.

Marie-Louise is competing with Kelly Mua Kingsly, current deputy director of state financial operations at the treasury department at MINFI. This treasury inspector, specialist in crime and financial investigation to which he has devoted books, is one of the architects of the reform that led to the establishment of the “basket fund”. A graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS) and holder of a PhD from Santa Monica University, in the United States, he teaches at the Zambian University of Copperstone.

Alphonse Nafack also stands as a dreaded rival to others as a banker, recognized by his peers who had elected him to the presidency of the Professional Association of Credit Institutions of Cameroon (Apeccam). The graduate of the International Training Center for the Banking profession (Cifpb) in Paris has kept Afriland First Bank Cameroon at the top of the hierarchy of national banks over the past decade.

A real challenge indeed awaits the upcoming head of the SMEs CB institution that has been suffering losses since the launch of its activities in 2015.

Two weeks after the suspension of the former General Manager by the Central African Banking Commission (Cobac) of the SMEs-CB Bank for a period of 10 years, the Board of Directors appointed Amadou Haman, the current Deputy General Manager, ensure the continuity of the service. Agnès Mandeng was sanctioned for “non-compliance with the provisions of articles 13 of the Cobac regulation relating to the classification, accounting and provisioning of credit institutions’ receivables, and Article 3 of the decision on adaptation measures to the prudential regulations applicable to institutions subject to Cobac along other violations.

Sorelle Ninguem

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