
Hygiene and sanitation: The mayor tackles the garbage

Hygiene and sanitation: The mayor tackles the garbage

In addition to urban sanitation, Auberlain Mbelessa, the first magistrate of the municipality of Batouri, has decided to tackle the Covid-19.

Auberlain Mbelessa, head of the municipal executive of the commune of Batouri, carried out on January 11, 2021 the destruction of rubbish at the city market.  The mountain of rubbish is only a distant memory since the passage of the machines.  « When I passed by, I was dizzy.  I was losing sleep just imagining the overcrowding and unsanitary conditions that reigned there.  The people who brought me to the head of this town must now live in cleanliness.  This is just the start.  Together, we will gradually overcome this insalubrity in order to permanently block the way to Covid-19 and other diseases”, confides Auberlin Mbelessa.
The mayor had set the tone when he took office at the head of the municipality of Batouri by clearing the streets of the capital of the department of Kadey of household waste that littered them.  About twenty young people had been recruited for the needs of the cause.  At the end of the recent city council session devoted to the vote of the budget of his community, Auberlin Mbelessa promised not to skimp on the means in order to give the city of Batouri all the splendor it should never have lost.  “This garbage has been there for at least 20 years.  We thought we were cursed.  So much has accumulated in this place without moving our various municipal authorities.  The municipal authority has just proven us wrong and that all you need is the will to do it.  We say thank you very much to him and we pray God to bless him for all he does for his people to whom he shows love every day « .
These words of a shopkeeper close to the place are shared by the neighborhood, as Solange, a restaurant owner near the former landfill, tells us: « This place was unsanitary.  Flies and other insects had invaded our businesses.  We are sure now that we no longer have any problems”.  According to the mayor, this initiative is part of the actions to be carried out by the municipality in order to give the populations of Batouri a place where life is good.  But also to give a new face to this district which bears the scars of a city of refuse, an image that Auberlain Mbelessa wants to erase from the minds of the populations.

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